Palakura Pappu | Palak Dal | Spinach Stew

Prepared By
Lakshmi Aparna

Palakura Pappu

This is a stew prepared with spinach cooked along with yellow pigeon peas. This is rich in fiber and iron. Palakura pappu is a good combination with steamed rice, pulka, roti or chapathi. Here are the step by step instructions.

Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Course: Main
Serves: 2-3
Main ingredient: Spinach
1 bowl measurement: 250 ml


Spinach (palakura, palak): Approximately 3 bowls full or 250 grams

Yellow pigeon peas (red gram, kandipappu, toor dal): 1/2 bowl
Toor Dal

Onion (ullipaya): 1/4 bowl, green chillies (pachimirapa): 2 or 3
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For talimpu
Dry red chilly (endumirapa): 1, garlic (velulli): 1 or 2 pods, mustard seeds (aavalu): 1/2 tbsp, cumin seeds (jeelakarra): 1 tbsp, hing (inguva): little and curry leaves (karivepaku): Few
2017 01 23 13 01 29 IMG 7102

Red chilly powder (kaaram): 1 tbsp
2017 01 23 12 58 40 Kaaram

Salt: To taste
2017 01 23 12 59 04 Salt

Tamarind paste (chintapandu gujju): 1 tbsp
Soaked tamarind (lemon size) water
2017 01 23 12 59 45 Chintapandu Paste

Turmeric powder (pasupu): 1/2 tbsp
2017 01 23 13 00 32 Turmeric

Clarified butter (ghee, neyyi): 2 tbsp
2017 01 23 13 04 23 IMG 7541


Step 1: Clean and wash spinach (palakura), soak it in salt added water for 15 minutes.
Note: Doing so will remove dirt as well as pesticides 

Step 2: Cut them into small pieces
Chopped Spinach

Step 3: Wash 1/2 bowl red gram (kandipappu) and add 1 bowl water in a pressure cooker
Note: Can use 1 bowl red gram instead of 1/2 bowl. As I prefer more palak in my stew I cook more palak with less red gram (toor dal, kandipappu) 
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Step 4: Add spinach, chopped onions and green chillies to the cooker
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Step 5: Now cook it up to 3 whistles in high flame and 2 minutes in low flame
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Step 6: Open the lid and add 1/2 tbsp turmeric powder, 1 tbsp red chilly powder, 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp tamarind paste or soaked tamarind water
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Step 7: Add 1/2 bowl water and mix it thoroughly. Let it cook for 5-10 minutes in medium flame.
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Turn off the flame when it comes to required thickness
Add talimpu to it, heat 2 tbsp ghee and add the spices one by one.

Flame used: Low
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Add and saute (fry) 1 dry red chilly and 2 garlic pods
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Immediately add 1 tbsp cumin seeds, 1 tbsp mustard seeds
2017 01 23 15 18 40 IMG 7107

When mustard seeds makes crackling sound add curry leaves and little hing (inguva) to it. Turn off the flame when curry leaves are fried
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Talimpu ends

Step 8: Add and mix this talimpu to palakura pappu
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Spinach Yellow Pigeon Peas Stew

Serve it hot with pulka, roti, chapathi, plain white rice or brown rice :)
Palak Dal

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