Ragi Porridge For Babies | Raagi Java For Toddlers

Prepared By
Lakshmi Aparna

1  ragi java with jaggery

Read Carefully : Ragi porridge is very good for everyone, especially for babies. This can be prepared with jaggery (sweet) and alternatively be served with curd (yogurt). We can start ragi porridge from the 6th month onwards. While introducing any food we should check if it suits the baby or not. In order to check, the other solid foods should be moderated for the day. If you are introducing ragi for baby, start with small quantity (like 1/4 tbsp) and increase it day by day up 2-3 tbsp. Don't feed more ragi as it may cause constipation to the baby. This must be fed only once in a day and if baby gets any irritation or if it doesn't suit, immediately stop feeding (Remember that testing with a very small quantity is absolutely essential).

Important: When ever introducing a new item for baby consult the paediatrician (doctor) first.

Here are the step by step instructions for preparing Ragi Java:

Cooking time: 5-10 minutes
Course: Mid morning snack
Main ingredients: Ragi, jaggery, yoghurt


Ragi powder (organic preferably): 2-3 tbsp
Ragi powder (organic preferably): 2-3 tbsp


Mashed jaggery: 1 tbsp
Mashed jaggery: 1 tbsp


Boiled milk (optional) for 12+ months old babies only: 200 ml
Boiled milk (optional) for 12+ months old babies only: 200 ml


Step 1: Boil the milk (* boil only water for babies less than 12 months)
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Step 2: Add 1 tbsp jaggery to boiling milk and stir well. Let it cook on low flame for 2 minutes
Step 2: Add 1 tbsp jaggery to boiling milk and stir well. Let it cook on low flame for 2 minutes
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Step 3: Add 50 ml of milk(for 12+ month baby) or water(for 6 to 12 month baby) to ragi powder, mix thoroughly until no lumps are formed
Step 3: Add 50 ml of milk(for 12+ month baby) or water(for 6 to 12 month baby) to ragi powder, mix thoroughly until no lumps are formed


Step 4: Keep on stirring and add ragi mix to it and cook for 2 minutes in low flame
Step 4: Keep on stirring and add ragi mix to it and cook for 2 minutes in low flame


Turn off the flame once bubbles are formed
Turn off the flame once bubbles are formed


Let it come down to room temperature and take it into feeding bowl and feed tasty jaggery ragi porridge
Let it come down to room temperature and take it into feeding bowl and feed tasty jaggery ragi porridge

How to make ragi porridge with curd or yogurt

Step 1: Boil 200 ml water 
Step 1: Boil 200 ml water


Step 2: Add and mix 50 ml water to 2-3 tbsp ragi powder
Step 2: Add and mix 50 ml water to 2-3 tbsp ragi powder


Step 3: Now slowly add ragi mix to boiling water by keep on stirring. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes in low flame till bubbles are seen.
Step 3: Now slowly add ragi mix to boiling water by keep on stirring. Let it cook for 2-3 minutes in low flame till bubbles are seen.
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Turn off the flame and let it cool
Turn off the flame and let it cool


Once it is cooled add 1-2 tbsp curd or yogurt to it and mix
Once it is cooled add 1-2 tbsp curd or yogurt to it and mix
1 ragi porridge with curd

Add a pinch of salt if baby doesn't show interest eating plain. Healthy and tasty ragi porridge is ready to serve baby :)

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